Throwing Spaghetti at the Wall

March 1, 2025

Tom Peters, a famous writer on business and management, wrote, “If you’re not confused, you’re not paying attention.”

Well, based on my level of confusion, I can confidently report that the good news is that I am paying attention. I have never been more dazed and confused. I think that is what this administration wants. Every day brings a new initiative, or a reversal of a previous one. The management approach is to throw policies, memos, and guidance for everything that was promised in the campaign, like you would throw spaghetti at a wall., just to see what sticks. And if what you throw out is too crazy, peel it off the wall.

I like that metaphor. During my last two years in college, I lived in a run-down house with 5 friends, and we each had a day of the week where we would cook for the rest of the group. I learned a lot about cooking in those years, as I could focus on just one meal a week to cook for a crowd. Being cash-strapped college students, there was a lot of pasta, and yes, we checked its readiness by throwing it on the wall. And we never removed a single piece. After two years, we had turned a bland kitchen wall into a beautiful piece of spaghetti art. There were layers, there were different colors, and there was texture. It was hilarious. I think we lost our deposit in part because of that spaghetti wall.

In real life and in leadership, my belief is that nothing sticks unless you focus on one or two key initiatives and stick with them for a long time. Ths spaghetti wall approach, though hilarious (and effective) in college, doesn’t translate well to organizational change. 

So, what am I confused about? I’ll just look at two issues, but there are dozens worth examining.

Russia and Ukraine. Are we really on Russia’s side now? Ronald Reagan’s 1987, “Tear down this wall” comment now seems to be more like “Putin – we won’t stop you if you want to rebuild that wall.” Three years ago, I wrote about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. I wrote that I never thought I would see a land war in Europe in my lifetime, and yet, it happened. I wrote about the heroic actions of Ukrainians and their president. And now the President is saying that Ukraine started the war, and that Zelensky is a dictator. And then he said that he didn’t say that? And yesterday there was a yelling match in the White House? Even writers from the Wall Street Journal oppose this move by our President. A recent op-ed stated,

“Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth visited Europe with the same aim that British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain had when he visited Munich in 1938: appeasement. Representing the “art of the deal” administration, Mr. Hegseth offered Russian President Vladimir Putin much of what he wanted before negotiations had even begun: no return to Ukraine’s pre-2014 borders, no North Atlantic Treaty Organization membership for Ukraine, and no direct American troop participation in security guarantees for Ukraine.

I thought we already won the Cold War.  The wall came down over 35 years ago. Former eastern bloc nations are independent, and many have been established democracies for over a quarter of a century. Now our President is parroting Putin’s words, and everything seems unstable. I am sad and confused. Is this spaghetti really going to stick?

Eliminating Deficit Spending

I was born in 1962. In my lifetime, the only two presidents who had a balanced budget were Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton. I’m all for moving towards that again. Out of every tax dollar we pay, 39 cents now goes to paying for interest on the national debt. We are like first time credit card users, maxing out our cards and being stuck in the land of minimum payments. Actually, the data shows that half of Americans do just that, so our nation reflects its citizens. Alexander Hamilton rapped about the benefits of a national debt in the amazing Hamilton musical. But I don’t think he imagined this much debt. So yes, I am all for a balanced budget.

But the way to get there it is not to mimic college kids throwing spaghetti on a wall. The random firings and reversals of those firings of government employees may save a bit of money. But it’s clear that there is no plan. The process should be thoughtful and strategic, not spaghetti-esque. As Jackson Brown sings, “There are lives in the balance.” There are now thousands of people (the true numbers are unknown), many of whom voted for this President, who are out of a job, and it’s hard to explain the reasoning behind it. These organizations have jobs to do. I led efforts to release or lay off many employees during my three decades of educational administration. Some were based on the employee’s lack of effectiveness, and some were based on needing to balance a budget. I did my best to make sure each of those impacted employees understood what was behind the decision, and to be strategic in my actions so the organization would be able to continue to educate children as well as possible.

One time, when I was a high school principal, my district made what I believed was a truly random, poorly thought out, and last-minute decision to lay off employees in my school and others. I wrote a blistering letter and faxed it off to district leaders, saying the reductions were fiscally unnecessary and would hurt the school and our students. One of the fax recipients called me immediately, and he was furious. He began the phone call yelling, “Some ass**** just sent me a letter questioning my decision about these layoffs. And that ass**** had the audacity to put YOUR NAME ON THE BOTTOM OF THE LETTER.” Damn, it’s still funny. But boy was he mad. In the end, none of those layoffs happened. They were unnecessary and they would have hurt students. I am grateful that in spite of the initial yelling match, our district leaders did the right thing. Decisions need to be thoughtful and strategic.

What’s happening now with government firings is far worse. It’s confusing. It’s destroying lives, and who knows what impact it is going to have on the good that these organizations are trying to do? In some cases, whatever money is saved through the terminations of these employees will be far outweighed by the costs of the work those employees will not be doing. I’ll say it again, I agree that our budget is out of balance and we need to make reductions. But Congress should be involved, the process should be thoughtful, and the result should not resemble a college kid’s spaghetti wall. Great leaders don’t create confusion. Great leaders lead with conviction and clarity. 

Back to Tom Peters – I am paying attention, and I am indeed confused. Spaghetti, anyone?

Post #128 on

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I add these notes sections for a number of reasons:

  • First and foremost, many of you are crazy enough to read them.
  • My posts are long enough, so believe it or not, I do try to limit them. Ideas that don’t make the cut can end up in the notes section.
  • I include additional resources, links, stories, for those of you who want to go a little deeper.
  • I may include something from the comments made in my last post, or something I learned in the process of writing this one.
  • And remember, the posts are long enough – no one is making you read the notes(Dad – If you are going to critique me for how long my posts are, please stop reading now. This is the optional part!)

My March 3, 2022 post on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine can be found here.

I lived in West Berlin for one year, arriving just after Reagan’s first Presidential visit to the city. West Berlin, located on the eastern side of communist East Germany, was surrounded by a wall that kept East Germans from escaping. The difference that I experienced between an amazing and vibrant West Berlin, and a cold, gray, and silent East Berlin, was stunning. In 1982, Reagan powerfully spoke as he stood in front of the wall, stating, that we “stand on freedom’s edge and in the shadow of a wall that has come to symbolize all that is darkest in the world today.” We do not want that darkness advancing. Here is the full text of his speech.

There have been several articles from the Wall Street Journal. For the most part, the Journal is waiting to see if these move will truly advance conservative values like reducing the deficit. But several op-eds, including Trump Betrays Ukraine and American Values, written by William Galston and published on February 25 , are highly concerned.

I don’t miss fax machines one bit. Although I did apply one for one job at the very last minute using a fax machine, and I ended up getting that job. So, maybe they had their good points.

Photo from Reagan speaking in front of the Berlin Wall is from the National Archives Catalog.

Spaghetti picture created by ChatGPT.

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  1. Dan Stepenosky says:

    I have to ask…did you tell the District administrator that the fax was indeed from you?

    1. Mike Matthews says:

      Oh. He knew. And yes I did. In fact I think I yelled back into the phone, “It was from me and you know it!” That’s when my assistant gently closed the door to my office. Good times!

  2. Mark Massey says:

    Congress wont get involved enough. Too harmful to their careers in elected office. Why it created all these agencies and quasi-govt agencies to make rules and regs that have force of law and bypass Congress. This begat Trump attempting to end this endless, deep, and expensive bureaucracy with EOs since Congress wont do it. Jobs being cut where people dont want to come into work. Rent for large office bldgs that are empty costing taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars a year.
    Congress, regardless of party in control of each house, will not do its job. Obama issued a record # of EOs. I think Trump broke that record. Biden broke Trump’s EO issuance record. Trump probably on a path to break Biden’s record. What the country really needs is term limits for Congress. But that seems nigh impossible since Congress has to do it to themselves. This spending cant go on obviously. Your fiscal conservatism may negatively affect your social progressiveness as some cuts will have to come from Medicaid, Medicare, and SS. At least do something about all the fraud in these programs. Also need to dissolve redundant and expensive federal depts like Education. Let each state handle that. Cant please everyone all the time so I expect a lot of complaining from democrats when republicans attempt to make cuts. However, republicans just as guilty as democrats at over-spending and wasting tax dollars. None of them have the will do control it. All about the next election.

    1. Mike Matthews says:

      Thanks, Mark. As I wrote that part about Congress, I knew that they wouldn’t be able to do it. And yet, government is not effective when Congress can’t act. Totally agree on term limits. It works at local and state levels. It could even be as much as 3 terms for a senator and 9 for a representative. That’s probably too long, but it would be a great start. The fraud is nothing new – if this administration can root that out, it will be a huge success. One the the Education department does well is make sure programs like special education and others are implemented consistently. The parents of students with disabilities will be the ones impacted by 50 different sets of standards. They pass through about 1/3 of their budget to states, schools, and scholarships. All of that being said, the budget needs to be cut, and I’m sure thoughtful and meaningful reductions could be made in the Education department and all others. Thanks again for your thoughtful reply.

      1. Tyson Dexter says:

        Tip of the cap to you Mark Massey. That was spot on.

        1. mark massey says:


  3. Mitch Ozawa says:


  4. Bill Sampson says:


    Thanks for your thoughts. I don’t think the starts, stops, re-starts are accidents. Chaos is the point of an administration looking (begging?) for an excuse to do something truly drastic. It’s looking for and hoping to cause its own 12/7/41 or 8/2/64 or 9/11/01 in order to accrue more power.

    Oddly, I well remember in my “sundown suburb” in which I attended elementary, junior high and high school the oft-repeated: “I’d rather be dead than Red.” The philosophical descendants of those remarks are now proudly Red. Huh? The same people who first called me a Communist because I asked why those Sunday-best-dressed kids trying to attend Central High School (you know which town) were being spit upon by fulminating, screaming “adults.” Now I’m supposed to be a Communist by joining ‘Merica First?

    I’m trying to remain an optimist. I really did not think, when I graduated from South Pasadena High School in 1964 on my 17th birthday, that the racial animus that now is official national policy would even exist as I approached my 78th. I just did not remotely believe this would still be going on.

    Check the spelling on the name of the Ukrainian president. I’ve now seen several but I don’t think I’ve seen yours before but I’m not a linguist. :>)

    The Confucian curse applies to both of us: “May you live in interesting times.”

    My first fax machine weighed over 20 pounds, had a steel case and used thermal paper which required the operator to promptly copy whatever arrived since it would fade to nothing in a matter of weeks. Naturally banks and hospitals still use them. Huh? I am VERY proud of you for sending that fax and for sticking up for our local students, one of which might well have been my daughter. She says hi.

    Best to you and yours no matter what. TMI I am sure.


    1. Mike Matthews says:

      Great response, Bill. Thanks. I used to sell and program 43-pound “portable” computers, but I never saw a 20-lb fax machine. Hilarious. Well, I hope you’re wrong about looking for another Pearl Harbor. There is no need. Thanks for the spelling tip – you’re no linguist, but you’re usually correct. And no, not TMI. Thanks as always.

  5. Susan Scheding says:

    My fax machine story (Mike loves my stories, no matter how many times I tell them):
    For a long time we had an old, creaky fax machine, on a high file cabinet. It jammed all the time.
    Once, when asked by a bank employee to fax her some document, I sighed loudly. She asked if I had a problem with doing this, and here was my reply: “Sorry. there are 2 things in this world that I find exasperating – my fax machine…and my mother.”

    I have a little list in my head of common sense ideas (at least they seem sensible to me).
    I’m sharing 2 of them:

    1- one 5-year presidential term

    2 – members of Congress sit in alphabetical order. Roll is taken every day and published prominently in every form of news, along with what they voted or not voted for that week.

    1. Mike Matthews says:

      Maybe the writer from the Catalina Islander Crime Log can be the publisher of the news and votes. That would make for great reading. I’m sure the bank reporter still tells that story too. Thanks for reading, and just so you know, I would never have listed you in my two things in this world that I find exasperating.

  6. Tyson Dexter says:

    Mike – I know you don’t like to get political often in these posts, but I want you to know, I absolutely love it. Thoughtful, reasoned, and insightful perspectives are so rare to come across these days and yours have always been exactly that.

    Post recommendation along these lines: School choice. Given your background, I’m sure you have a lot of thoughts…

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