Rich Dad, Poor Dad
Richard Kiyosaki
Read: 2010 or before
Non-Fiction, Reading Now, Recommended for Young Adults
It’s been on the best seller list since it came out. It’s corny and very simply written. But as a parent and an educator, there’s not better book to give you the big picture of money. We educators don’t think about money. We think about how overwhelming our job is, how wonderful it is to make a difference, and sometimes just how to get through the week or the day, or maybe just that 4th period class that is oh-so-challenging.
You won’t leave this book knowing exactly what to do. But you will leave it believing that you have to become financially literate and that you have to start taking steps to gain wealth.
I made my sons read it read it when they were in 8th grade (Both of them responsed – “Really?”) But they abide by it now. We still discuss it often.
This book is a motivational gem. It’s not a how-to manual, but it’s a necessary first step. I’ve read many of his follow-up books and been less than impressed. Perhaps that’s because I have not taken his advice and owned a business, or perhaps it’s because they just don’t grab me. But his first book, it’s perfect for us educators.
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