A thoroughly enjoyable bio-tech thriller of a book. Gene therapy and the search for immortality all wrapped up in a who is the really bad guy thriller.
Year Read: 2014

Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival
Laura Hildebrand
Read: 2014
I read this because (1) it is a big movie this year, and (2) it is a local story of a man from Torrance. My friend Paul told me about the book, and how it told so much more in the movie. He was particularly angered by the fact that the movie removed the importance […]

Transparency: How Leaders Create a Culture of Candor
Warren Bennis
Read: 2014
Education/Leadership, Non-Fiction
A major premise of this book is that the higher the leadership position, the less honest feedback the person receives. Their remedy: free flow of information and finding ways to hear directly from all levels of the organization. It’s about abandoning ego, hearing good and hard feedback, and giving the same.

10% Happier
Dan Harris
Read: 2014
My father recommended this book to me. I try to always follow his recommendations. He is still a voracious reader, while continuing to practice law. He is keenly interested in my career and in public education. He lives back in Arkansas, but we talk regularly about life, law, public education and anything that resembles good […]

Rookie Smarts
Liz Wiseman
Read: 2014
Education/Leadership, Non-Fiction
Liz Wiseman is a great author and an even better speaker. I heard her at an ACSA Conference in San Diego and saw her in a whole different light. She is funny, positive and incredibly real. This book has struck a chord with me. Ask any leader who is actually trying to make change, and […]

The Power of Collective Wisdom
Alan Briskin and Sheryl Erickson
Read: 2014
Education/Leadership, Non-Fiction
I read The Wisdom of Crowds a few years back. It told of the mathematical wisdom of crowds. Give enough people a chance to have input, and the right answer emerges. It’s why democracy works … most of the time. The average guess of thousands of people regarding the number of marbles in a jar […]

Pathways to the Common Core
Lucy Calkins
Read: 2014
Education/Leadership, Non-Fiction
We have trained almost all of our elementary teachers in writing the way Lucy Calkins and Columbia University teach writing. It’s a method that works to make all students believe they are authors, and takes them through the process of writing, editing, re-writing, editing and honing the process until you come up with a final […]

The Long Walk to Freedom (The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela)
Nelson Mandela
Read: 2014
Education/Leadership, Non-Fiction
I read this book after the great Nelson Mandela died. I’m so happy that I read it, but it took me forever. I would not call it an engaging book, but it is certainly informative. I think he is one of the great figures in modern history, and an inspiration to any who face seemingly […]

A Leader’s Legacy
James Kouzes
Read: 2014
Education/Leadership, Non-Fiction
This book focuses on the personal legacies of our leadership. How does our relationship with those we lead help them to grow? “The most significant contributions leaders make are not to today’s bottom line but to the long-term development of individuals and institutions that adapt, prosper, and grow” I have had many wonderful mentors in […]

The Flip Side: Break Free of The Behaviors that Hold You Back
Flip Flippin
Read: 2014
Education/Leadership, Non-Fiction
I heard Flip Flippen speak at a conference. He’s an incredible force. He’s adopted children from around the world and made an incredible difference in their lives. His message is one of caring, building relationships and leading with the heart. He also has many ideas for maximizing our own potential. He has programs for schools, […]

Ender’s Game
Orson Scott Card
Read: 2014
Fiction, Recommended for Young Adults
Somehow I missed this when it came out. I am a fan of this genre and this book was a true though provoker. I only climbed from under my rock when the movie came out. So my son and I read it, discussed it, and saw the movie. Two main thoughts. First – The idea […]

Daniel Suarez
Read: 2014
This is another recommendation from my father. I call these types of books pure fun that can be read on a weekend or on a night when you don’t need to sleep more than a few hours. Suarez writes stories similar to Michael Crichton in their pace and use of science. This one is about […]

Coaching Conversations: Transforming Your School One Conversation at a Time
Linda M. Gross Cheliotes and Marceta A. Reill
Read: 2014
This book was recommended to me by Dr. Brett Geithman, MBUSD’s Executive Director of Educational Services. Brett is one of the finest instructional leaders I know. I first saw him as a principal in Long Beach. We sent teams of teachers to his school to learn about how they were teaching writing with incredible success. […]

Building The World’s Greatest High School
Richard Parkhouse
Read: 2014
I love this book. I love it so much and it has truly inspired me. I met with a group of leaders to share my enthusiasm for it, and I found that I’m kind of alone in my love for it. But I don’t think I’m wrong. Perhaps I love it because it rings true […]