Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Robert Pirsig
Read: 2015
I picked up this book again when a friend of mine undertook an up-and-down the Pacific coast motorcycle ride (actually, it was a Malibu to Bend, Oregon and back motorcycle ride). I read it back in high school and remembered many parts of it, but I wanted to read it again with him. As I read it, I remembered why I loved the book, and I remembered why I found much of it unintelligible or way beyond my philosophical educational baseline. I do appreciate the ruminating on the concept of quality and the concept of peace of mind. I found those pieces insightful, and along with the picture of a man trying to reconcile being a father, an employee, and a philosopher, insightful, but again, very challenging. I did like the book, and I enjoyed my conversation with my friend after re-reading it, but that will probably be the last time I re-read the book. Twice into the mind of Robert Pirsig is enough for me.
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