Honoring our Presidents (and America) at Costco
February 25, 2023
I celebrated Presidents Day through a number of non-work activities, including a trip to my local Costco. On a day where we celebrate famous (and infamous) American leadership through the years, the most patriotic thing to do (aside from buying an on-sale mattress) may be going to Costco. I am a Costco fan. I’m not […]
Fighting Off Colds
February 12, 2023
Alternate Title: How Evernote Keeps Me Healthy I caught a cold last week. A cold! It’s been a while. It’s been over four years since I last had one. I’ve had COVID, of course – just once. But my last non-COVID sickness was in December of 2018. And yes, I keep track. Normally I wouldn’t […]
California Rains, Games, and Acceptance
January 20, 2023
(Alternate Title: Everything Important in Life is Explained by Tetris) So much rain in California! It’s wonderful for our drought-ridden state, but it’s cramping my style. Here’s the thing about our sunny west coast state. If I plan an outdoor activity – hiking, cycling, golf, pickleball, fill in the blank here – I can pretty […]
2023 in One Word
January 5, 2023
I hope your new year is going well so far. One of the joys of publishing semi-regular posts on this blog is that it provides a way for me to reconnect with friends from my past. I grew up in Little Rock, Arkansas, and since graduating from high school, I have lived and made lifelong […]
2023 / Catholic High School / LUSD / MBUSD / PYLUSD / Resolutions / SLUSD / SMMUSD / Steven Covey
Reflections on Perfections of 2022
December 30, 2022
Perfection is fleeting, but I do believe that it exists. Or at least moments of near-perfection, as even Mary Poppins wasn’t perfect. I try to relish it whenever it appears, and I enjoy replaying the moments in my mind. I hope that in this year that is about to end, you have enjoyed a few […]
Assorted Thanksgiving Thoughts – Trees, Burritos, Drumsticks, and More
November 22, 2022
Kudos to all of the school districts who now have no school during the week of Thanksgiving. If the worst travel day of the year is the day before Thanksgiving, then let’s give people options. Once again – progressive schools are leading the way. Take the whole week, and let families leave when they want […]
Colorado School of Mines / Holiday Tree / Lot 318 / Pizza / PYLUSD / Sacramento Food Bank / Thanksgiving / Turkey Thighs / Vons
Veterans Day 2022
November 11, 2022
One of the simple pleasures in my life is putting up the United States flag in front of our house on federal holidays. I love taking out the flag and placing it in the staff holder near our front door, then admiring it throughout the day. I appreciate placing it in front of our home […]
Eagle Scout / Flag / Fun with Flags / K12 / PYLUSD / Scouts / Taps / Veterans / Veterans Day
Pickleball Fever
September 30, 2022
I write a lot about my efforts to avoid getting older as I get older, and I remain steadfastly committed to that effort. I’m staying active, working to get stronger, eating better than I have in the past (though I could be much better), and continuing to act young by playing and enjoying life to […]
All My Rowdy Friends Have Settled Down / Dani Rojas / Hank Williams Jr. / pickleball
For the Beautifully Better, and Overcoming the Worse
September 15, 2022
We had a wedding last weekend. It was perfect. Well, it was as perfect as life these days would allow it to be. Let’s start off with the challenges. First of all, and damn you COVID-19 for still existing, finding a venue for this wedding was stupid crazy hard. Ryan and Yesi scoured Sacramento for […]
Kelley DIdion / Ryan Matthews / Sean Matthews / Steve Didion / top / Wedding / Westin Sacramento / Yesenia Rosas
Opening Day of School!
September 8, 2022
My apologies for the three-week span between posts. I should have expected it. My new job takes a lot of my time. First things first: I love it. I love the people I have met, and I’m inspired by all that my new district does so well. It’s a spectacular place. I’m lucky for many […]
First Day of School / PYLUSD / Superintendent
Reflections on Dominating 5th Grade Math Speed Drills
August 21, 2022
I love it when people comment on my blog posts. I was inspired to write this post when my friend Rose Ann commented on my last post, recalling how the two of us were always highly competitive in the elementary school spelling bees and math speed drills. I look back and wonder what I took […]
Alan Iverson / Brian Regan / Carol Dweck / Growth Mindset / Jo Boaler / Katherine Whittaker Stopp / Spelling Bee / Ted Lasso / The Climb
Want to Understand LA? Vin Scully is a Really Good Start.
August 12, 2022
As a kid who grew up in Arkansas, I never even imagined living in Los Angeles. LA was glitzy, red carpet, rich and famous, Hollywood Stars, Beverly Hillbillies. I moved here in 1993. And as a lifelong public school educator, I was never going to be one of those celebrities. The rich and famous lifestyle, […]
I Love LA / Jackie Robinson / John Wooden / Josephine Bruin / Kareem / Kareem Abdul Jabar / Presidential Medal of Freedom / Pyramid of Success / Ted Lasso / Vin / Vin Scully
Pursuing Happiness: The Art of Vacationing
August 5, 2022
I suffered just enough. A while back, as I prepared for our every-other-year bike trip, I wrote that I had begun my cycling training a little too late. Last week, our group of friends took our 6th trip together, biking through the hills of the Paso Robles wine country and the central California coast. We […]
Bicycling / elephant seals / Laurie Santos / Paso Robles / Time Affluence
Yogi Berra Would Not Have Liked Malibu Summers
July 22, 2022
No one goes to Malibu, my home since 1993, in the summer. It’s way too crowded. OK – that’s a stolen line. The famous Yankee catcher/American philosopher Yogi Berra said that about a restaurant in New York. He was a quote machine. But truly, there is no worse time to be in Malibu than the […]
Bike Riding / California State Parks / Los Angeles County Parks / Malibu
Leaving the Cave
July 15, 2022
I find myself relating to the dad in The Croods movie, a cave man named Grug. Like me, he loves telling stories and like my family, his family puts up with listening to them. But all of his tales warn of children who left the safety of the cave, or did not listen to their […]
Eric Church / Grug / Ozark Boys Camp / The Croods
Why Isn’t Independence Day Always on a Monday?
July 9, 2022
I hope you all had a nice Independence Day weekend. If I were making the rules, Independence Day would always be the first Monday in July. Actually, I would change the entire calendar. The way our current 7-days-a-week, 365.25-days-a-year calendar is set up, holidays with dates just don’t make sense for working people. Memorial Day […]
BGE / Big Green Egg
Failing at Retirement – Parts One and Two
June 30, 2022
I have loved not working. Transitioning from a 60 to 80-hour work week to a 0-hour work week was easier than I ever imagined. I have rested, lost weight and become healthier overall, organized my life, increased my time spent on hobbies I love, and avoided being such a pain that my wife wanted me […]
El Segundo Unified School District / ESUSD / PYLUSD / retirement / top
Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One Before
June 24, 2022
Why do I write these blog posts? There are many reasons. I do love telling stories. One of my beliefs as a parent is that stories create memories. By telling and retelling stories to our children, they become their memories that will shape them or make them smile throughout their lives. My stories become their […]
Hot, Humid, and Home
June 16, 2022
Who says you can’t go home? Jon Bon Jovi sang it, but only as a way to prove that you can. What a fascinating career Bon Jovi had – A Rock and Roll Hall of Famer, actor (he had a great role on The West Wing), and the first rock artist to ever top the […]
Arkansas / Bon Jovi / Darius Rucker / family dinner / Home / Parents / Waynes' World
Big Rocks
June 9, 2022
Thanks for your comments on last week’s post on procrastination. Clearly my journey has been shared by many of you. I decided to re-read the 1994 book from Steven Covey that I mentioned last week – First Things First. I still love Covey’s folksy, sometimes corny, but always insightful and spot-on writing, so I am […]
Big Rocks / Covey / First Things First / Malibu Brewing Company / Quadrant 2 / Steven Covey
This Post Was Finished a Week Early!
June 2, 2022
I’m WAY less of a procrastinator than I used to be, but I wish I would have started training earlier for our bike trip this summer. When I was in middle school, I had serious procrastination issues. My science teacher once guided us through a science project for weeks. I remember coming home from school […]
Bike Trip / Checklist Manifesto / GTD / Procrastination / Steven Covey
The Invisible Flag Waves Again
May 27, 2022
Flags across the nation are at half-mast. Again. The proper way to put a flag at half-mast is to first raise it all the way to the top, then to pause and bring it back down. The explanation I like best for this tradition is that we bring it down to make room for “the […]
Stop Yelling at the Fruit!
May 19, 2022
“Enough with the fruit already!” That’s what my friend Peter yelled at me while we were golfing last week. I had just bitten into my 2nd apple of the round as I was walking down the 12th hole fairway at the beautiful Soule Park Golf Course. I looked at him with his Diet Coke in […]
AA / Blue Zones / Noom / principalchef.com / Vegetarian
Family, Friends, Community
May 14, 2022
Thanks to all of you who read my last post on my son Sean. I keep track of how many people open each of my weekly posts, and the readership about Sean crushed everything else I’ve ever written. Your comments and emails were powerful and comforting. As good as it felt to write about it, […]
Blue Zones / Dan Buettner / family dinner / Sean Matthews